god i hope i'm not coming down with something.
there's 2 weeks till placement, and we've just found out where we're going. looks like i'm gonna have to bus from where we're staying to my work, which kinda sucks. i was looking forward to like, working around the corner or something, especially after what is it, 7 years of public transport hell, now. i mean its not gonna be anything like the hour and a half it takes me each way to get to uni or whatever, but i want to be one of those kids who get to roll out of bed 10 minutes before work starts or something. Fine, more like half an hour, because who am i kidding, i can't eat and get ready in 10 minutes.
the town seems nice enough and we can go whale watching! i still don't know how to cook. hopefully the weather is nice to us. which leads me to, i have nothing to wear.
the ball was on friday, and so i leave you with pictures.