Tuesday, April 21, 2009

dot points.

You know what? I've got stuff to say. But by the time I get to the computer, I'm not feeling it anymore. Or I get distracted by nearby shiny things. Or I've forgotten. Lets do this in dot points shall we?

1. Firstly, these are not dot points. These are numbers. Good going marlene. Moving on.

2. When did we last speak? Its been so long. I don't even remember. Oh, I see. Well, there was uni. Then there was placement. It was not exciting. I did not get any $$, but I did get some perfume. The perfume was described as a masculine scent feminised. I do not know what that means and I'm still not sure if they were trying to say something or not.

3. I left that perfume at my old house. Yeah, we moved. It was a disaster. I complain to anyone that listens. Especially, but not limited to, the entirety of Jungle when its early/empty.
3a) I have no bed.
3c) Its pretty, but I feel as if I am not allowed to use anything. We have 2 kitchens. The microwave has recently moved from the normal kitchen to the garage. I do not know where anything is, but I made a kick arse pasta sauce on Sunday night regardless.
3d) I do not know where anything is.

4. I have 3 weeks off starting next week. I hope this means we can play! Except I may have accidently told my boss about this. She was VERY excited, clapped her hands and proclaimed that it was the best news she'd heard all day. She may or may not have squealed a bit. My perceptiveness leads me to suspect that this means I may be working alot.

5. Yesterday, my horoscope told me that I need to build a ladder of hopes to get me out of my hole of self doubt. For some reason, Jonathan (fucking) Cainer has been spot on lately(with the exception of that horoscope right there). I still do not like him.

6. Right now, I'm supposed to be forming words into sentences. Actually, I was supposed to do that last night, but I knit a bit and then went to sleep instead. Either way, its not going particularly well. I do not really know/understand what I'm writing about. I hope that won't be a problem?

7. Since the last post, I have also managed to lose consciousness & fall over (in that order). I should probably get that checked out or something.

8. I am not sure why I like city library so much, considering it appears to be full of creeps/theives who like to talk to me.

Creepy Guy #42: "You type really fast. Did you want to go get a coffee?"

Creepy Guy #42, again: "Oh, so you're studying pharmacy. Maybe you could check me out some time."

Creepy Guy #165: "Hello, How are you?", M: "Good" *backs away*, CG: "Are you from Japan?", M: "No.", CG: "Where are you from then?", M: "Melbourne." CG: "Oh, so near Japan." I would like to point out, just in case, that this exchange is occuring IN Melbourne.

I don't understand the way people ask what country I'm from, like no really, where are you actually from/where were you born etc. It makes me more determined to say Australia. Also, how people ask what my "real" name is. Because, y'know the name written on my birth certificate isn't real enough for them.

9. The word creeps made me think of crepes.

I um, hate pharmacology/pharmaceutics. Oh, and I have short hair. Over and out.