Monday, May 26, 2008

hock it?

i tried to write this morning, but it seems blogger was being a bit tempremental. or perhaps it was trying to tell me that i should study. either way, the point is. i don't remember what i wanted to writre about. probably nothing... important.

it seems i post often at the library, it may have something to do with the fact that i don't like to study. i wrote my 'reflective exercise' at a rate of approximately 2349 words on facebook: 1 word in microsoft word. it was pretty much amazing. i'm sure you wish you'd seen it. my hands are col dagain and i'm not even in the super freezing room. i moved out of there when i started SHIVERING.

my money saving is failing quite miserably. and exams are freaking me out. i also kinda really want soup. i am waiting for my lover to call, so then we can do my favorite thing. i mean, eat obvs.

we went out for super birthday lunch with the fam on sunday, (mum's mine and sisters' our birthday are like all within 10 days of eachother. starting with mum last sat, and ending with mine in a week. except my mum pretends like hers doesn't exist in front of everyone else, and no one else seems to realise mine exists. so my sister wins. we had yumcha. it was fatty, therefore awesome.

i can't do this anymore, its making me feel guilty, which is a good thing i suppose.

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