First of all, I forced the sun to shine with my summery attire. The people rejoiced and gave me chocolate for my efforts. I know, amazing right?
The other thing that happened left me confused for at least 2 and a half lectures. A random stopped me on the way to the tramstop & I, quasi-typically tried to do the avoid eye contact/brush off. It didn't work. She was trying to find the 'chemist' (which was right in front of her). When showed her, she seemed not to believe me and proceeded to tell me about her feelings and how she thought she might be pregnant and therefore needed a test to check. i was like, yeah you can get one in there. but she still seemed confused. so i had to take her in and show her/explain how to use it.
Seriously, why me? I spent the next 5 minutes checking that i wasn't still wearing my pharrmacy name badge (the one that save's the uni's arse if i accidentally kill someone while slave labouring). Then I realised how weird she probs thought i was afterwards. Helpful, but weird all the same. I just don't get how out of all the people on the street you'd pick me to ask about that sorta thing. I mean, I look about 12. No one believes that I've finished high school. Patients at the hospital were lovely, but also probably wondering why they let the small children talk to them. I still don't understand. But I'm also starving, which is more important right now.