I'm trying really unsuccessfully to hide out while my
parents dad pack. He's alternating between accusing me of not being able to get my shit together and mumbling about how much there is to do and how its all on him. Unfortunately, he's chosen to pack on the floor right behind me, anddddd there isn't internet anywhere else, so I'm not moving. I think my mum's trying to hide too. This is because, without fail, my dad unpacks everything anyone else has packed & repacks it, all the while telling us how fail we are. He likes to roll everything up. And while I appreciate that's the best way to pack more in, sometimes there's not all that much stuff and you end up with too much space and your things roll around.

This time however, we seem to have ended up with ALOT of stuff. Here are 3 things I can see:
- Speakers. Four of them. I'm trying to figure out how much they weigh without getting too close, I can't see, but they're direct/reflecting speakers. I don't know what that means. But they're big.
- Oh hey! Look! Its the 6 tops i bought for $15. Unfortunately, they're all the same shade of purple.
- Light fittings? Seriously, what is this?
Cya in Australia/somewhere in between/whatevs
pee ess, Happy Birthday to Crystal!
marlie! i'm a tennis whore and i love it! unfortch, i am also sun-damaged. i totes did not want hat hair and did not wear a hat on one of the days and it got to about 40C and i was outside watching a damn match i couldn't leave because i needed his autograph because my sister used to love him and i have a soft spot for him even though he's kind of a crappy player and my friend has decided she's going to marry him and i had PRIME autograph-seeking seats i was NOT going to just abandon! so i got all burnt on the nose and forehead while my sunglasses protected my eyes and upper cheeks. come first day of work on friday, i look like i don't know how to choose a foundation in my own skin tone. it's HORRIBLE. but i got to meet my exhusband all UP CLOSE AND TOTES SHOVED MY CAMERA IN HIS FACE!! it was pretty awesome.
love youuu!
ps. i'm sorry you're in hiding but not really. hiding is no fun except when it's from the sun, in which case, yeah hiding is what i should learn to do. my grandparents came back with so much random stuff. like pots and pans. and i was like, 'um...but you have so many already'. but apparently that's the wrong thing to say. and some other family also came back with HUGE speakers. they were wheeling them through the airport and i was like 'wow, are they actually good or were they just THAT cheap?' do you have a whole new wardrobe??
pps. first night at work: i watch danni minogue wandering around with her presumed boyfriend for about half an hour. she finally buys some random crap presumably after no one cared enough to go 'hey! it's kylie's sister!'. then i didn't know where the special orders were kept because no one told me ANYTHING! so i was hunting around under the counter and i pulled out a special order for patti newton. put it back hurriedly in case she sues me for touching it or something. Then, the highlight of my awful first night- three kids come in. seriously, they can't be older than 15. and if they are, they're really short and skinny and juvenile looking. they stay in an aisle, all shifty looking and furtive and whatnot. 2 girls, 1 guy. finally, they creep up to me and lay a box face down on the counter. condoms. glow-in-the-dark. possibly vibrating or something. i didn't look too closely. i ring up the sale and tell them the price and it turns out, they don't even have enough money. they start blaming each other, all "you said it'd only be $7!" "No, i said you should bring more in case!" and i'm like, WTF are you even needing these for?! before i figure i don't actually want to know. they start pooling their 5 cents and 10 cents and finally make up the correct change. it was so cringeworthy.
I can't believe I missed this post - thank you very much for the birthday wishes!
The good thing about buying 6 tops that are relatively the same colour is that you can lend them to your friends and all wear them at the same time. I don't seriously recommend you do this, I'm only talking about it because I think it would be highly amusing.
you are probably more tanned then i got in Vietnam. Every. Single. Person. I have seen since i've been back (so like, probs 5 people total) have mentioned how untanned I am considering. Except for Mary, she thinks I got a bit of a tan. But... um, I think its more likely that I got that while back here. What was with the heat wave? I bought like, 15 dresses, 5 skirts, lots of shirts, 4 tshirts, 2 bras and some undies. Also alot of earrings. I think the short answer would've been 'yes'. But its 2:32am, and I'm bad at succinct even at decent hours. Oh, plus those purple shirts.
i also had the strange desire to purchase one of those jade bangles all the asian women have. y'know those ones you can't take off & are stuck with forever? Yeah, them. I don't know why. Should we be concerned?
also, where are you working now?! how is it? do you like it? i think i might like retail and it scares me. I was considering decorating the condom section with like A BAJILLION HEARTS. because i'm making the store all festive and full of red and white and ew for vday. but then i realised doing that would probably embarrass people/decrease sales/whatever. But really, it could've been like, happy valentines day! i didn't knock you up! also, at least those kids were being safe. there has been an unusual spike in morning after pill sales. the only event i can attribute this to is back-to-school. for real.
actually, the store's really pretty now. i'm like a proud mum. it makes me sick. its almost our first birthday!
that's totally why i haven't posted anything for weeks. i've been waiting for you to notice.
see, i had to buy them because it was buy 5 get one free. bargain! and who knows when you're gonna need several shirts in varying styles made from the same material. i mean, we could be like destiny's child! i also at that point had forgotten that i'd already bought another top that was pretty much the same as these 6, at the start of the trip. i'm really bad at this aren't i?
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