The whole process seems to be centered around choosing what you want to do. And who with, but its a total lie. We're not the ones that get to do the picking.
There are three places I'd be happy to be at next year. But taking the risk for #1 & #2 means saying goodbye to option #3. And, so while I've pretty much had it sorted 2 weeks ago, I still don't know if its the right thing to do.
I don't know if this is the same as the end of school. Where there's so much focus on the 4 digits & the decimal point. Like, it won't really matter in the end anyway. Because no one cares after the fact. But next year is going to be tough, no doubt about it. The perks of full time work are hopefully being able to switch off when you leave the 9-to-5. And the perks of studying? Having an excuse not to deal with everything else/have a real job. And next year? Its the worst of both worlds. And I realise, these 4 years of 'preparing' for the real world and probs for the most part irrelevant ("i can draw the chemical structure of cholesterol! will that help?").

Everyone I asked at the careers thing basically told me the same thing. You've got to think about where you wanna be in 10 years time, and go with that. My instinct says, um... I have issues picking an outfit in the morning (admittedly, its kinda difficult when you've got 60+ dresses, but lets talk about that some other time/you can yell at me later). But the truth is, I have a vague idea, jobwise anyway. Which makes me not want to go there even more. The only thing I remember from the careers counselling crap we did in high school was that the average person makes about 6 career changes in their lifetime, so whatever everyone. I just want to see something different, even if its within pharmacy. Because I'm the kid who's only ever worked in pharmacy (working for my parents doesn't count, except: oh my god please don't ever make me play secretary, even if I do type fast)
I don't know if its true, but I'm under the impression that switching from A to B is alot easier than the other way round. So, if I'm gonna end up doing B anyway, why not try A out for a little while first. So what if I am maybe wasting my time, yeah?
This is the part where even though you have no idea what I'm talking about, you reassure me. Or, persuade me otherwise, b/c I only have a few days left to chicken out.
1 comment:
yayyy procrastination marlene! haven't been here for a while hehh
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