Some road rules:
- People wear helmets now! its amazing. these helmets don't look particularly safe or anything. and they're hardly ever buckled up, but they exist now. Apparently they have for a year now. the birthday of the helmet passed recently. Though, I'm told that you only have to wear a helmet if you're riding a motorcycle, not if you're riding a bike. wtf?
random. what happened to the 'sun'?
- I've mentioned this, but everyone drives on the wrong side of the road. My sister observed that we've been driving in the left hand lane for approximately 2 hours. They drive on the right here btw. The other night, we were stuck in traffic, and I was already late - the taxi driver cut across the left hand lane of oncoming traffic and drove on the sidewalk. I kid you not. I was terrified. We tipped him well.
this christmas tree was made of beer bottles. that's my kinda christmas spirit.
- Right now there's a kid half hanging out the door/window of the bus in front of us. We're driving on a freeway or whatevs.
I'm hungry. Are we there yet?
oh man, you've just gotta love vietnam lols.
1. It's funny because the helmets you wear on your motorbikes are actually bicycle helmets, yet you don't have to wear it when you're on a bicycle..
2. Maybe they thought that vietnamse people wouldn't understand the word 'sun' but would understand the word 'kist'???
3. Try riding on the freeway on the back of a motorbike with a bicycle helmet that's half falling off your head. Makes you really wonder if it will really protect you if you fall off at those speeds. It'll probably end up strangling you instead.
4. So when are you going to HK? I'm going to live your holiday vicariously through you now haha.
when do you get back heeeeeeere?? my grandparents come back on tuesday...and i have to give them back their car *SOB* so much to do: clear out my cd crap which is all over the back floor, vacuum, replace all the money i stole from their ticket-machine change glovebox, clean the outside because somehow there is now bird shit on the back window, fill up with petrol, guh.
i would like to know what happened to the sun of sunkist too. but i do see that it tells you what flavour it is.
i miss youuuuuu :( i feel so yuck today. i woke up three times before i got up, from 7.30am to 10.45am. and i can't sleep at night anymore. i don't fall asleep until past 2. i don't know what happened, I was on this awesome fall-asleep-as-soon-as-i-hit-the-pillow thing and now it's gone.
haivee: i don't know if i'm going to HK anymore :( mostly because my silly sister is trying to bargain with my parents to trade the HK trip for a chanel bag. what do i get out of this? nothing!
that girl: i get back on the 20th of jan. i'm homesick! i feel like the change-box is fair game in anyone's car. seriously. i used to get my lunch money out of that thing. you know, when you could still buy lunch for $2.
(sun)kist tells you what flavor it is twice! y'know, just incase you miss it the first time.
i'm sad that you can't sleep anymore! i sleep terribly, most of the time and i know how shit it is. speaking of sleep, i was gonna blog but multiple people are yelling at me to go to bed. apparently we have to get up at 5 tomorrow, but like it makes a difference. i'm gonna go to sleep in the car anyway. ily!
oh that sucks. i'd take the holiday over the bag any day.
tell her to get a fake chanel bag. i mean, there's one on every freakin corner lol
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