Things I Learnt From Placement That I Sort of Already Knew.
I'm boring. And stuff.
My parents are pretty strict. I'm not allowed to sleep over. I can't stay out late. I can't catch public transport/taxi home by myself, esp when dark. I'm probs not supposed to date (unless he's like a doctor/lawyer/perfect boring kid), drink or any of that other stuff either. And so its totally expected that i go crazy without the parental supervision right? Nah uh, i think i'll just bake instead thanks. Make pastry from scratch? Sure! Heard of a supermarket, where you can buy these things pre-made? Clearly not. Annddd then i'll, pretend to study for 25 seconds just do some knitting/cross-stitch in front of the tv instead. I wish i was joking. This is really ruining my street cred.

WiniFred >>> LOTS

I am a caffeine addict.
There, I said it. I used to be all, totes not. I just like coffee. And I'd be all, adamant that I only drink coffee if its good, completely pointless otherwise right?! Plus coffee = marlene+horoscope time . I justify the statement that i'm not totally (only partially?) addicted by saying I only drink coffee on the weekdays. I don't on the weekends/holidays (ie. when i don't leave the house). What I didn't realise is that, at these times i DO NOT make use of my brain, and usually am not really required to function (library on the weekend = coffee; playing receptionist = no coffee). Whilst in countrytown, i discovered that holy shit, the coffee is horrible. Can someone say burnt dirty coffee water? Not only that, it was more expensive than in melbourne, go figure. And i kept trying, but it just wasn't working with me. It was crap everywhere i went. So then I drank instant. Only when i strugggling, still i'm not proud to admit it.

The world won't end if i don't read my horoscope.
Firstly, today's horoscope = hilarious, observe, "...You are trying to do something difficult. To achieve this requires ingenuity and intuition. You've got that. Now you just need to add the basic ingredients of sustained sanity. These comprise, as I am sure you know, of a healthy diet, good water to drink, space alone in which to think, and a decent night's sleep. Get those and the rest will prove no problem. " Ahhh, Johnathan Cainer, I'll always hate you.
So this one's pretty self explainatory, but i saved a few minutes every day (so I couldn't knit?).
On the otherhand, I was pretty bored, and felt a tiny bit empty on the inside.

I survived!
Obvs. And then i baked everyone cookies as thank yous. They were crazy/insane/really pretty. I should've taken photos.

Can't say i don't win at procrastination though. happy halloween?